Sunday, April 16, 2006

The weary traveler arrives in Bratislava and the journey officially begins. Thanks to my brother Rick I am sporting a home made shirt which officially establishes my new resisdency. It says, "I live in Bratislava" and the back of the shirt says, "which way is it?"

The adventure already has begun and I have yet to leave the country. The preparations continue to go very well and in just over 2 weeks the anticipation will be over. I am very excited to go as I continue to hear reports from Slovakia that exciting things are happening. Please take a moment to look at these pictures which show a building our group is securing in a town called Devinska. This building will be used to do a variety of outreach ministries to the teens of Devinska. Huge potential here, very exciting. Thank you for partnering with me in this great endeavor.