Sunday, June 04, 2006

I knew it would be diffcult dealing with the languge issues. The inability to just walk up to someone and begin having a conversation. Obviously you dont know exactly what that will feel like until you actually experience it. I got a taste of it last summer and now I am experiencing it on a regular basis. It is especially understood when you can compare it to the opposite situation, like a trip to the mountains with english speaking high school students. It is really exciting to me when I can just begin a conversation with a young person and invite them to tell me their story. The possibility of connecting with that person becomes so much greater. And it is precisley those kinds of connections that give me life. I have noticed that I feel alot more drained when I spend 3 hours with the Devinska kids even though it is really precious time. The language of love is universal and words are not necessary to speak that language. And so we love on our Devinska kids and pray that the translation is clear.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

Isn't it a great thing that God works with, in, through and beyond our very real limitations?!


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