Tuesday, October 31, 2006

During my eye opening experiences here these past several months I am forced to ask the question: is it possible to really have a God experience outside any true measure of solitude or peace? Several months ago I think I would have answered “yes.” Now, looking back, I see my moments of prayer and attempts to enter into His presence as weak at best and counterfeit at worst. My attempts to connect with God were mostly “on the fly” as I would be so preoccupied in my mind with the agenda for the day that real silence was never really encountered. Or I would rely on some “prayer time” as I drove to the first meeting of the day. Through this process I have come to understand that, if it is true that the highest purpose for my existence is to be in a loving relationship with my creator, then my pursuit of learning how best to come into His presence is of the utmost importance. For it is in His presence that I receive all that I need to sustain me including really seeing myself for who I am, an object of God’s love and desire.


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