Friday, March 27, 2009

Getting into the facility was no easy task. There were about 50 other people also waiting to visit a friend or family member. After standing in the cold for nearly 2 hours they finally began to allow us in the front gate. We were ushered in 5 at a time through a series of 5 locked gates until all 50 were in the outdoor compound of the prison. At each locked gate a different security procedure was performed. The old age of these buildings was quite evident as it felt like we were descending into a medieval dungeon. Once inside we were marched down to a building about 200 yards from the entrance. As we walked along, the windows of the buildings on either side of us were filled with the faces of Leopoldov prisoners. Its a strange feeling to have so many eyes fixed on your every step. Throughout this process the orders and directions of the guards were, of course, spoken in Slovak. Very fast Slovak. Its times like these when you just learn to follow the crowd and do what they do.


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