Saturday, May 02, 2009

There's a type of peace which could best be described as 'pure peace.' I learned about it also by experience. Have you ever experienced pure peace? Obviously we cant know if we've ever had it unless we know what it is and where it comes from? I would describe it as a deep and rich contentment which cannot be defiled by the corruption of a world gone bad. God's word says its a peace which goes way beyond any kind of peace which can be derived from earthly experience or understanding. Beyond the peace of lying on a quiet, sun soaked beach. Beyond the peace of walking in a beautiful forest bursting with the sounds and fragrance of nature. Beyond the peace which can be found in the 'love of a lifetime' relationship. Beyond the peace of a first time mom or dad sleeping with their new born baby. Each of these experiences possess an echo of the pure peace which point us in the direction of something even more profoundly peaceful, something so mysterious and complex that forming it into language is nearly impossible.


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