Winter can be a great time of the year. The key to enjoying it in Slovakia is getting out of the city and heading into one of many beautiful areas where the hills are located. Today was the perfect day for a winter hike: nice people, nice weather and wonderful nature. The temp was about 25 degrees with almost no wind. We drove about one hour from the city and started hiking about 9am. By the time we reached the end of the trail we had walked for 7 hours.
THE SLOVAKIA EXPERIENCE- A Journey in the Land of Castles
Sunday, March 27, 2011
There were a few interesting things to see along the way. First we came upon what appeared to be a cave but in actuality was an old mine. We only had 2 small flashlights so the trek in (about 100 yards) was a bit on the blind side. We encountered bats, large icicles and extreme darkness along the way but it was an interesting part of the journey.
Walking in the hills of Slovakia usually means that you will eventually stumble onto some castle ruins. Today was no exception. This is known as Plavecky Hrad (hrad means castle). I have visited this castle in the summer but never in the winter. The landscape takes on a whole different perspective with the snow and different light from the winter sun. Krasne (beautiful).
I was recently invited to 2 interesting speaking engagements. The first was at an elementary school where I spoke to 3 different classes of students, all of which are learning English. Unfortunately I was unable to get any photos of my time there. The ages of the students ranged from 9 to 14. I brought along a usb stick full of pictures from my life in Minnesota as well as my life in Slovakia. It was an enjoyable time and hopefully useful for the students. I encouraged the students to work hard at their education, including learning English. I also challenged them to consider the realities of God in an age dominated by science and secular logical.
The second event was at an oncology unit speaking to cancer patients. The social worker at this hospital tries to organize interesting activities for the people here to give them a break from the heavy and difficult process of trying to get well. This time, I was asked to share about some of my interesting experiences traveling around Slovakia. Mainly I shared with them my trips to some castle ruins and the national favorite Slovak Paradise which is a small mountain with amazing gorges and water falls. I enjoyed spending time with these people and hope they experienced a brief reprieve from their difficult plight.
After my sharing time I was asked if I was interested to do a little sight-seeing in the building. This facility has a long and storied history with Catholic order of Franciscan nuns and monks at the center of it. From what I understood, the church owns and operates this facility which is connected to a church building as well as a crypt and other facilities. The leader of the order of nuns was gracious enough to give us the tour.