Monday, January 08, 2007

One of the exciting things about being in relationship with the God of the universe is the different ways He “speaks” to us. God seems to be quite thematic in His way of communicating. For example, so often the book I’m reading at the time, the particular place in the bible I am studying, the words I’m hearing from the pulpit at church and conversations I have with others all have the same basic theme. Only God could weave all of these life experiences together in a meaningful way at one moment in time. Most recently the theme for me is focusing on, and finding true significance in, the things in this world which cannot be seen (or touched, heard…). For whatever reason, living apart from everything I came to embrace as familiar and comfortable has given me a unique opportunity to hear God speak more acutely to these core life mysteries. How easy is it for us as human beings to put more stock and significance in what we work at and plan for? How long does it take to become consumed and driven by our human desires for excellence, pleasure and success? For me, it’s a short trip and ultimately it becomes an invisible barrier between the physical world and the spiritual realm.


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