Monday, August 20, 2007

When I seek to wrestle with and understand the true plan and purpose for God’s creation, as well as the incredible significance of our existence, I quickly realize that only God can truly possess such amazing wisdom. Yet God Himself has implanted in me a desire to take part in the rich and mysterious purpose of the universe. Certainly the definition of this purpose is rooted in the glorification of God and the active demonstration of His unconditional love. But what is my part, my role? How do I engage in that endeavor in a way that truly honors God? Is it up to me, do I get to decide? If the answer to that is ‘yes’ then I must ask myself, what will all of my ideas and my plans and my efforts accomplish for the benefit of God and His kingdom? The answer, of course, is nothing. How can I remain free of the entanglements which come from my human tendency toward desiring a safe, comfortable and self determined existence? When I am honest with myself I can see at the heart of that desire the goal that I will emerge from my activities and efforts unscathed and filled with “happiness”?


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