Monday, August 20, 2007

This is Michaelangelo helping out with some renovation projects.

I don’t believe that God is concerned with my comfort or level of success, even within the context of serving Him. There are no examples that I can find where the godly men and women of the bible attempted to lead comfortable lives or sought to be successful (at least the way we tend to define it). It seems to me God is far more concerned with my desires, specifically as it relates to my relationship with Him. I believe God is most pleased with my life when my desires center on being hidden away with Him in a trusting, intimate relationship where He can lead me into a deeper brokenness. At that point, in my weakness, God’s strength can be fully developed in me and then He can use me in whatever fashion He desires. I have been awakened to the sad reality that I have been far more devoted to my ideas of what I can and should do for Jesus rather than just desiring Jesus Himself. God may not be so concerned with our happiness and comfort in the external but thankfully God does provide an inner comfort to all of us whose primary desire is to enter into the quiet where the sacred romance can blossom. This is a journey which is far from over for me as I can still sense my inner desire to experience the familiar, comfortable experiences of the world as well as the limelight rather than the quiet, unknown and mysterious ways of God.


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