Saturday, December 22, 2007

The food is mostly of the grilled variety which works good for me. Here we have pork, chicken and a crowd favorite, different types of sausages (klobasa). Good eats indeed!

Hope part 5
All of us have a voice or two echoing around inside of us giving shape and form to the decisions we make regarding what is really important in our lives. And I can’t help but ask the question: is it possible for hope, this fuel for fulfillment, to bring someone to a place of utter disappointment? Are there right and wrong ways to express hope in our lives? Can hope be misplaced? I was watching a movie recently where the main character grew up in a terrible family and received many hurtful and hope depriving messages along the way. But she demonstrated remarkable courage and captured a dream no one gave her a chance to reach. Basically the dream was two fold: to rise to the top of her chosen profession and to receive the respect and adulation of a multitude of adoring fans who she did not know in any personal way.


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