Monday, June 30, 2008

Enjoy some original Monet as I share a few thoughts from my journey in the field.

As I enter into my 3rd year of life in the land of castles, my personal journey for the contentment of the soul moves slowly but steadily forward. The battle between grace and pride, peace and anxiousness, joy and depression, fear and faith…is at the center of the struggle. The ultimate destination is an inner peace and an outward joy regardless of what may be in my tangible circumstances. Though there are glimpses of this far away land, I have a long distance yet to travel before I arrive at this place that Jesus called ‘abundant life.’ Throughout the journey I am reminded that it doesn’t matter where you live, the real challenge is to live in the world as a guest and not a resident. Anyone who has accepted and embraced the narrow road of life or the path of least convenience can resonate with these words. The question is not, I think, ‘how can we live in such a way that we remain unscathed by the tragedies and trials of life.’ The real question, it seems to me, is ‘how can we accept and embrace these realities of life in such a way that they are able to cut away all of our counterfeit identity revealing the true creation.’


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