Thursday, October 02, 2008

The words displayed there in the iron gate over-head say: Work Shall Make You Free. Many of the people who did not die in the gas chambers here were worked to death. Thus, I couldn't help but wonder what was the intention and purpose of these words. What is real freedom? Certainly it doesn't include being tortured with hard labor until you expire. Is freedom simply living somewhere which is devoid of oppression and brutality? Or maybe we can define freedom as having the type of financial stability which allows us to buy the things we need (and want). Maybe there are multi layers to the notion of freedom, the tangible and the intangible. Some might say freedom is having access to higher education or a good paying job. However many people who have all these freedoms, as well as many more, still feel as if they are trapped or somehow entangled in a way which makes true freedom elusive. Could it be that the ingredients for the recipe of true freedom are found in a supernatural encounter beyond our human understanding or ability to create? Is it possible for people to experience genuine freedom even within the confines of an earthly hell like Auschwitz?


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