Friday, November 19, 2010

In a polite and friendly manner they asked us to share a bit about whom we are and what our purpose or goal is as we travel from prison to prison. They also asked if I would share with them something about the presentation I had planned for our visit. After I gave them a brief summary they began sharing with us some information regarding their program goals and what they hope to accomplish while a prisoner is within their ranks. I was amazed at what they said. It was clear from their comments that they understand something about what it means to help a man improve his life when he is incarcerated and what his special needs are. For example: the need for compassion, counseling, occupational training (one option here is shoe repair) as well as spiritual formation and development.
After a pleasant 15 minute conversation we were escorted down the hall and given a tour of a basic cell room. The guards knocked on the open door and asked the inmates in the cell if we could enter. The room is better described as a dorm room with bunk beds. As we entered, the guys in the room stood at attention as if it was the military and we were high ranking officers. They didn’t move for the 30 seconds we were there and tried to refrain from looking directly at us. Everything in the room was in very good order, clean and neat, despite the building itself being old and antiquated. Next we were shown a room where there was a kitchenette and a television. Inmates who had enough privilege points could use this facility to heat up some soup and watch a program on TV.


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