Friday, September 21, 2007

One of the most interesting aspects of my time in Slovakia has been experiencing and learning about a people group totally different from my own. For most of my life I have only truly been familiar with a certain people group, namely Americans from the midwest. One and a half years hardly qualifies me as an expert on the Slovak people group, at the same time I have learned many things. There is always a danger in talking about a group of people from a certain country as there is a tendency to over-generalize millions of people. While there can be no mistake that each individual person is unique and special, there are also personality and character traits which can be traced to a group of people based on their sociocultural experience.


At 9:02 AM, Blogger Erik Szedely said...

Good job Scott. I really liked your last comments from Cicmany. Very interesting.
God bless you


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