Friday, October 19, 2007

As time goes on here in SK there is a slow and steady increase of something resembling a rhythm to my life. And yet there are still so many uncertainties about my life here. It may sound corny but I think of the millions of immigrants who departed European shores for America not so long ago to make a new life. The struggles and trials they encountered were mountainous. Most of us only need to speak to grandparents, who have learned from their own parents, what it took to start over in a new land. Certainly my situation is not so extreme however similar in many ways. Similarities such as: not knowing the language or the culture before arriving, experiencing the feelings of being an outsider, feeling disconnected, encountering strange laws, customs and beliefs.

This is the Pospisil family who have been intricately involved in the baseball camp for years. Jirko and Ludka speak limited english and so Janka does the translating for us, which she does an excellent job of. They have been very caring and thoughtful friends to me since I came to SK. I am grateful for this family.


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