Monday, June 30, 2008

Allow me to introduce you to my friends Miro, Susan and baby Lea. I recently had the privilege of sharing a table of fellowship at their home. This was my first occasion to spend quality time with Susan and Lea. Miro, on the other hand, was the first Slovak I ever met when he came to Minnesota in 2005. He stayed with a hockey friend of mine and came to one of our summer hockey sessions to skate and share with the guys about his life and reason for being in Mn. Miro formerly served as principal of the aforementioned C.S.Lewis school and is now pursuing other endeavors such as teaching at a local university. Susan has a law degree and is often involved in cases where people or groups have no voice and no means to seek fairness and justice in society. Lea, she eats quite well, can roll over with no problem and still needs more practice at sleeping long enough to give mom and dad sufficient sleep.


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