Thursday, October 02, 2008

When we first approached the camp there was a sense of eager anticipation for me, I guess because I have always been fascinated by the history of this time period. I knew this was no ordinary tourist attraction which explains why my enthusiasm was subdued. However it didn't take long for me, only about 10 minutes, to experience something much more powerful than mere fascination. When we walked through the front gate I found myself unable to move forward. I could only stand in silence and slowly allow my immediate surroundings to soak into my consciousness. As my eyesight began to behold the buildings and fences around me there was some kind of powerful wave welling up inside me. Before I recognized it there were tears in my eyes and on my face. I was caught off guard by this wave of emotion and stood there unable to clearly explain to myself why the tears had come. My attempt to make some sense of my emotional reaction was in vain. This was something beyond ordinary words and beyond simple thoughts. I cannot remember another time or situation in my life when I felt this way and the fact that I couldn't understand it didn't bother me as it might have in a more normal situation.. The emotion flowed freely as I eventually began walking ahead slowly.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Tonya said...

Hi Scott! Your experience at Auschwitz sounds like what the Celtic Christians would call a Thin Place...where the veil between this world and the next is very thin.

Sorry I missed you at Christmas...just catching up with you now! My semester starts next week and I'll be back to teaching at Bethel.


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