Sunday, September 17, 2006

I have learned the hard way what happens when I choose a different path. Why would I ever want to do that in the first place, to walk away from the only source where I can truly have what I desire? There is still much I need to learn about this but what I know right now is that it starts with a subtle deception or faulty mentality. I had begun to believe that other things that I experience in my life, some of them blessings from God, could serve as the satisfaction and fulfillment my heart is hungry for. For example, relationships with family and friends are blessings from God and are essential to our human experience. On the flip side those relationships can become our primary source of feeling value, worth and significance, which by design was something reserved primarily for our interactions with God. Once my search for a loving affirmation veers off solely into people relationships, I have effectively separated the human from the sacred and I am now vulnerable to losing my way and wandering further down the road away from my first and most important love. My most significant heart needs, such as affection, affirmation and compassion, can only be satisfied and fulfilled by the creator of the universe, the one who knit me together in my mother’s womb. Part of the process for me these past several weeks is to reunite the human and the sacred so that God is my primary source of comfort and strength and the human relationships are returned to their proper level of importance.


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