Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fasting is an excellent way to cleanse oneself as it has the ability to touch each part of the aforementioned areas (mind, body, soul). When you combine prayer along with fasting the experience can be even richer and more fruitful. During times of fasting I am only drinking water, green tea or a little fruit juice (on this occasion fresh squeezed o.j.) which gives my body a good rinsing out. In my mind, fasting helps me to remain more quiet somehow. There's something about being physically full(food in the stomach) which, for me, gives rise to more internal noise, sort of like uncontrollable musings. In my soul, fasting and praying helps me to realize how poor I really am. By that I mean how small, weak and incapable I am to be or do anything significant on my own. In addition, I am able to see all the little personality and character flaws which make all my relationships much more challenging, including my relationship with myself and with God.


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